Thursday, March 26, 2020

Countering The Menace Of Ragging

A student works very hard day and night to get admission to his or her dream college. With a bright vision in mind, they aspire to attain their objectives in the next 4-5 years of their college life.

All their confidence and hopes ground into dust, because of the highly prevalent tradition of ragging.
Ragging is an act of extreme violation of human rights and an outcome of a sadistic and perverse mindset. It is the act of harassing junior students mentally, financially, physically, and publicly in the name of fun and entertainment. Universities in Rajasthan  have taken up many measures. But, these are sometimes not enough for countering ragging.

Hardly do the seniors understand the magnitude of impact these activities have on their juniors’ minds. This experience can scar them for life and coming out of it is not an easy task. Students can even take extreme steps like suicide and self-harm.

Measures to Stop Ragging

Are there any ways to counter the menace of ragging? Fortunately yes! Keep reading on to know more about it.

Remain Aware – 

It is essential for students to have awareness about ragging. Many colleges define strict punishment defined for the seniors who indulge in any such acts. Juniors should remain motivated to come forward and register complaints against ragging to the college authorities.

CCTV Surveillance –

College authorities keep a check on the regular activities of the students on the premises, with the help of a CCTV surveillance system. Students, who indulge in ragging, are most of the times immediately detained for further investigation. So, make sure you remain aware of the fact whether CCTVs are working or not.

Anti-Ragging Committee – 

All the B Com Colleges in Jaipur have an anti-ragging committee in their system. The members of this committee comprise of both students and staff members. Ensure that your college has an anti-ragging committee. The members of the committee should be empathetic to the suffering students and should have the authority to take corrective actions as well. 

Besides, temporary or permanent termination or police complaints are some steps that will discourage students from such activities. One or two such instances will create a sense of fear in all the students who intend to harass their fellow juniors in the name of entertainment and fun.